Put the days of being overpromised & underdelivered behind you.

Many of our clients have previously had bad experiences.
They think they’re working with a full-sized agency, but it ends up being 1 or 2 people trying to do it all.
We’re a team of 32 people (and growing) who are not jacks of all trades. We’re experts in our individual fields.
Home-Service business potential now.
We were born from the "Teckfector". We knew that there is always something better out there as long as we look for it and pursue it. We started working in the socially approved atmosphere of "work".. where going to university and finding a job was the only thing we should be looking for...
But if you go deeper, there is always something better than that. We have taken the best processes and systems to make this "hustle" the one that is worth pursuing, without burning out or having to work 4x hard without having great results.